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These questions will determine if e-TC is right for you:

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Survivors of cancer sometimes report ongoing issues and the need for various services many years after the completion of treatment.  The following statements cover a range of different issues which survivors of cancer may face.  The issues include:

  • information and medical care issues
  • quality of life
  • emotional and relationship issues
  • and the impact cancer has had on your life perspective.

We want to learn about your need for services RIGHT NOW.  Whilst we recognise that people may have had many needs at diagnosis and during treatment, this study is focusing on your needs AFTER your primary treatment finished.  Your responses will enable us to make recommendations about what sort of supports and services should be available to survivors of cancer and their families in the future.   We also want to know about any positive changes to your life that you may have experienced as a result of your cancer.  Please select the answer that best describes your experience.  There are no right or wrong answers.

How strong is your need?
No need, or is not applicable Have need, but need is being met Weak need Moderate need Strong need
(A) Information Needs & Medical Care Issues: The first few questions ask about your current need for information and your experience of medical care.
In the last month…
1. I need up to date information…
2. My family and/or partner needs information relevant to them…
3. I need information provided in a way that I can understand…
(B) Quality of Life: The next few questions ask about the impact that cancer has had on various areas of your life, including your health and daily activities
In the last month…
4. I need help to reduce stress in my life…
5. I need help to manage ongoing side effects and/or complications of treatment…
6. I need help to adjust to changes in my quality of life as a result of my cancer…
7. I need help with having a family due to fertility problems…
8. I need assistance with getting and/or maintaining employment…
9. I need help to find out about financial support and/or government benefits to which I am entitled…
10. Due to my cancer, I need help getting life and/or travel insurance…
11. Due to my cancer, I need help accessing legal services…
(C) Emotional & Relationship Issues: These next few questions ask about your emotional responses to surviving cancer, and the impact that cancer has had on your personal relationships.
In the last month…
12. I need help to manage my concerns about the cancer coming back…
13. I need emotional support to be provided for me…
14. I need help to know how to support my partner and/or family…
15. I need help to deal with the impact that cancer has had on my relationship with my partner…
16. I need help with developing new relationships after my cancer…
17. I need to talk to others who have experienced cancer…
18. I need help to handle the topic of cancer in social and/or work situations…
19. I need help to adjust to changes to the way I feel about my body…
20. I need help to address problems with my/our sex life…
21. I need an ongoing case manager to whom I can go to find out about services whenever they are needed…
(D) Life Perspective: Sometimes survivors of cancer report that their cancer experience has changed the way they view their life, their future. These next few questions ask about these issues.
In the last month…
22. I need help to move on with my life...
23. I need help to cope with changes to my belief that nothing bad will ever happen in my life…
24. I need help to cope with others not acknowledging the impact that cancer has had on my life…
25. I need help to deal with my own and/or others expectations of me as a “cancer survivor”…
26. I need help to try to make decisions about my life in the context of uncertainty…
27. I need help to explore my spiritual beliefs…
28. I need help to make my life count…