
We dedicate this website to the memory of Major Matthew Carr. Matthew kindly shared his own experience of testicular cancer to help others who are facing a similar challenge. His generous contributions of time, effort, enthusiasm and creativity were central to the creation and success of the e-TC website.

It was possible to create e-TC only through the contributions of a dedicated and knowledgeable team.

Research Coordinator and Content Developer

Dr Louise Heiniger (PoCoG, University of Sydney, ANZUP) is a post-doctoral researcher in psycho-oncology.

Research Investigator Team

Dr Allan ‘Ben’ Smith (CONCERT, Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, ANZUP) is a Translational Research Fellow dedicated to moving psycho-oncology research evidence into practice.

Professor Phyllis Butow, AM (PoCoG, University of Sydney, ANZUP), Professor of Psychology, and Chair of PoCoG, is an international expert in psycho-oncology and doctor-patient communication.

Professor Ian Olver, AM (Cancer Council Australia, PoCoG, ANZUP), is a medical oncologist and CEO of Cancer Council Australia.

Dr Peter Grimison (The Lifehouse, PoCoG, ANZUP) is a Staff Specialist in medical oncology at RPA and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney.

Professor Britt Klein (Federation University), Personal Chair in Psychology, has worked as a clinical psychologist in both clinical and research settings.

Dr Addie Wootten (Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre, PoCoG, ANZUP) is a Clinical Psychologist and Director of Clinical and Allied Health Research at APCRC.

Dr Jo-Anne Abbott (Swinburne University of Technology) is a registered psychologist, research fellow and content manager for the National eTherapy Centre (NeTC) at Swinburne University.

Expert Advisory Group

Major Matthew Carr (Consumer Representative, ANZUP) of the Australian Army is the author of Battle Scars: A Soldier’s Strategy for Fighting Cancer, an account of his battle with TC.

Mr Daniel Rose (Consumer Representative) is a Service Delivery Consultant for a global travel and tourism IT company and is also a TC survivor.

Mr Ben Peacock (Consumer Representative), founder and partner of the sustainability communications company Republic of Everyone, is the author of Lessons from My Left Testicle, a light-hearted account of his TC journey.

Mr John Bastick (Consumer Representative) is a journalist and copywriter with experience in media, magazines and digital communication, who advised based on his personal and professional experience.

Dr Jason Gray (ANZUP Consumer Representative) is a medical student with experience in marketing and digital communication.

Mr Matthew Leonard (ANZUP Consumer Representative) is a Firefighter and TC survivor based in New Zealand.

Dr Ben Tran (Royal Melbourne Hospital, ANZUP), Medical Oncologist, specialises in genitourinary and colorectal cancers and has a keen interest in personalised cancer medicine.

Professor Martin Stockler (Concord Cancer Centre, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse RPA, ANZUP and NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney), specialises in genitourinary cancers and improving survival, quality of life, and doctor-patient communication in advanced cancer.

Associate Professor Guy Toner (PeterMacCallum Cancer Centre, The Univeristy of Melbourne, ANZUP), is a Consultant Medical Oncologist with clinical and research interests including all urological cancers, with a particular interest in testicular cancer.

Ms Jessica Medd (Headwayhealth, Concord Hospital, PoCoG, ANZUP), Clinical Psychologist, has worked in Urology and Sexual Health at Concord and other clinics for more than 14 years.

Mr Keith Cox, OAM (Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, ANZUP), is a nurse practitioner at Lifehouse and a Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Sydney.

Associate Professor Ann Conway (Concord Hospital and ANZAC Institute) is an endocrinologist specialising in andrology (male reproductive health, medicine and biology) and fertility.

Associate Professor Sandra Turner (Westmead Hospital) is a senior staff specialist in radiation oncology who specialises in genitourinary cancer and sarcoma.

Collaborating organisations

The Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group (PoCoG) is a national co-operative clinical trials group aimed towards improving outcomes for people affected by cancer through high quality research focusing on optimising psychosocial and supportive care.

The Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate (ANZUP) Cancer Trials Group conducts clinical trial research to improve treatment and outcomes of people affected by bladder, kidney, testicular and prostate cancers. Phase 2 testing of e-TC is supported through ANZUP’s Below the Belt Research Fund.

PoCoG’s Executive Director, Dr Melanie Price (PoCoG, The University of Sydney), and ANZUP’s Executive Officer, Ms Margaret McJannett (ANZUP, PoCoG) jointly facilitated the PoCoG/ANZUP collaboration on this project. ANZUP clinical trials project manager, Anne Woollett, joined the advisory team in 2016.

Special Thanks

We would like to acknowledge Dr Addie Wootten and the team behind My Road Ahead, Annie Miller and colleagues at The Cancer Council NSW, and Russ Harris (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy trainer and author of ‘The Happiness Trap’) for permission to reproduce and adapt copyright material in e-TC. Sincere thanks also to Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre for permission to include copyright material from the DVD ‘Just Take it Day to Day’ in e-TC.

We would like to acknowledge and thank the University of Sydney Audio Visual Services team for producing the videos used in e-TC. In addition, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the men who appear in the e-TC survivor videos. Thank you Matt, Ben, Daniel, Jason and Mark – your contributions have brought e-TC to life!

The e-TC team would also like to say a big thank you to Greg and Eden and the team at NetFront for creating the e-TC website.